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But the paint of blue, keep beat me till the end.' <p>Yes it's hard to understand. Why you leaving me and all we dreaming on ' <p>Long ago so faraway. But the light of blue, still living with me today.. <p>Dear Iin, I close my eyes and see your face. That's all I have to do to be with you. , <p>Dear Iin, altough I can not touch your face. I know what I can do to be with you ) ( <p>You were gone since yester month. But the memories never would dissapear.3 <center><font color='#245505' size='6'><strong><p>Speed Hari</strong></font></center></Body></html>)d )b % HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Internet Explorer\Desktop\General WallpaperVBE7.DLL) )" )( )x @)` ` "QA9  ! ! A a ! $Q%9) (y9 )4a`` IW<  $ K$88$Dl*F /58$Dl*F /5$ !   !  !  !   5$TPlW/X t/   (]36 G(%$4 \Q)G(%$P`\Q)8:%(t%(T%(4'%('%=BD5=:%(t%(T%(4'%('%=BVpB6pDkB$48 l$48 l')6n D)$P<kT6(%=A%=B062(t!  lJi/hT!  (">F  @6T!  (">F   @6H!   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a Poet For My Dear Love


Dear Iin

To the very best that happen in mylife


Long ago and in my mind, I can see your face lonely and lost in time K

You were gone since yester month But the memories, never would dissapear%

I think of you, I THINK OF YOU.


Yes it's true I can pretend. But the paint of blue, keep beat me till the end.J

Yes it's hard to understand. Why you leaving me and all we dreaming on Y

Dear Iin, I close my eyes and see your face. That's all I have to do to be with you. U

Dear Iin, altough I can not touch your face. I know what I can do to be with you J

Long ago so faraway. But the light of blue, still living with me today.M

You were gone since yester month. But the memories never would dissapear.c

Speed Hari

V  \Jon.htmlFHKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Internet Explorer\Desktop\General Wallpaper Z,\fo Logfile -->% 06:14:2518:14:25 -Kamis, 22 Jul 1999 JonMMx 2000 jonthebest@hotbot.com$ 09:07:259:07:25 -Sabtu, 24 Jun 2017 JonMMx 2000 JonMMx2000@yahoo.com- 12:13:3712:13:37 AM AM-Saturday, 14 Aug 1999 JonMMx 2000 JonMMx2000@yahoo.com- 09:55:459:55:45 AM AM-Wednesday, 25 Aug 1999 JonMMx 2000 JonMMx2000@yahoo.com+ 12:03:2112:03:21 PM PM-Friday, 27 Aug 1999 JonMMx 2000 JonMMx2000@yahoo.com* 02:47:402:47:40 PM PM-Sunday, 29 Aug 1999 JonMMx 2000 JonMMx2000@yahoo.com* 02:37:562:37:56 AM AM-Monday, 30 Aug 1999 JonMMx 2000o JonMMx2000@yahoo.com- 10:29:4310:29:43 PM PM-Wednesday, 1 Sep 1999 JonMMx 2000 JonMMx2000@yahoo.com) 09:28:249:28:24 AM AM-Sunday, 5 Sep 1999 JonMMx 2000 JonMMx2000@yahoo.com* 12:17:912:17:09 PM PM-Monday, 13 Sep 1999 JonMMx 2000 JonMMx2000@yahoo.com* 09:48:159:48:15 AM AM-Sunday, 26 Sep 1999 JonMMx 2000 JonMMx2000@yahoo.com( 08:34:5808:34:58 -Wednesday, 6 Oct 1999 JonMMx 2000 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