


俞灏,博士,上岗副研究员,31399金沙娱场城交通工程系教师,道路交通安全团队。毕业于31399金沙娱场城交通运输工程专业,获博士学位。主要研究方向包括交通安全建模、智能交通管控、新型出行方式建模、动态交通分配研究以及大数据人工智能方法在交通中的应用等。在国内外知名期刊上发表学术论文30余篇(第一/通讯作者发表学术论文15),其中SCI/SSCI期刊收录27篇。担任美国运输研究会 (TRB)信息系统与技术研究常务委员会和农业食品运输常务委员会成员,《交通运输工程学报》青年编委,Transportation Research Part CIEEE transactions on Intelligent Transportation SystemsIEEE Transactions on Vehicular TechnologyAccident Analysis & Prevention等知名期刊审稿人。

Ÿ   办公地点:东南大学九龙湖校区31399金沙娱场城大楼1201

Ÿ   个人主页:seuhao.site

Ÿ   联系方式:seuyu@seu.edu.cn



Ÿ   交通风险辨识与管控

Ÿ   动态交通网络建模与分析

Ÿ   虚实结合微观交通仿真与优化

Ÿ   交通大数据及人工智能


Ÿ   2021-05至今,东南大学,31399金沙娱场城,副研究员

Ÿ   2017-082021-01,夏威夷大学马诺阿分校,工学院,研究人员

Ÿ   2017-012021-02,东南大学,31399金沙娱场城,博士后


Ÿ   东南大学人才项目(至善青年学者A层次)2022/01-2024/1230万,在研

Ÿ   美国夏威夷州交通部项目HDOTDUI Tracking System Development and Information Extraction2018/10-2019/9104万,结题,Co-PI

Ÿ   中国博士后科学基金面上项目(一等)2018M63047,考虑车路协同环境数据不确定性的干线信号优化控制研究,2018/04-2021/038万,结题

Ÿ   国家自然科学基金青年项目,61803083,基于宏观基本图的大城市区域路径诱导策略研究,2018/01-2021/1220万,结题


n  期刊论文遴选

Ÿ   Yuxuan Wang, Ruoxin Xiong, Hao Yu*, Jie Bao, Zhao Yang, A semantic embedding methodology for motor vehicle crash records: A case study of traffic safety in Manhattan Borough of New York City, Journal of Transportation Safety and Security, 1-21.

Ÿ   Mengling Yang, Hao Yu*, Lu Bai. 2021. Simulation-based evaluation of variation in left-turn paths in the coordinated intersection management, Journal of Advanced Transportation, 2021: 6243530.

Ÿ   Hao Yu, Zhenning Li, Guohui Zhang, Pan Liu, David T. Ma. 2021. Fusion convolutional neural network-based interpretation of unobserved heterogeneous factors in driver injury severity outcomes in single-vehicle crashes. Analytic Methods in Accident Research, 30: 100157.

Ÿ   Zhenning Li Hao Yu* Guohui Zhang Shangjia DongChengzhong Xu. 2021. Network-wide traffic signal control optimization using a multi-agent deep reinforcement learning. Transportation Research Part C: Emerging Technologies, 125: 103059.

Ÿ   Hao Yu, Pan Liu, Yueyue Fan, Guohui Zhang.2021. Developing a decentralized signal control strategy considering link storage capacity. Transportation Research Part C: Emerging Technologies, 124: 102971.

Ÿ   Hao Yu, Runze Yuan, Zhenning Li, Guohui Zhang, David T. Ma. 2020. Identifying heterogeneous factors for driver injury severity variations in snow-related rural single-vehicle crashes. Accident Analysis and Prevention, 144, 105587.

Ÿ   Hao Yu, Zhenning Li, Guohui Zhang, Pan Liu. 2020. Extracting and Predicting Taxi Hotspots in Spatiotemporal Dimensions Using Conditional Generative Adversarial Neural Networks. IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology, 69(4): 3680-3692.

Ÿ   Hao Yu, Pan Liu, Zhenning Li, Guohui Zhang, Ziyuan Pu. 2020. Quantifying Significance of Young Traveler Characteristics in Travel Mode Choices Impacted by E-hailing Services. ASCE Journal of Transportation Engineering, Part A: Systems, 146(3).

Ÿ   俞灏, 刘攀, 柏璐, 路小波. 2019. 考虑交通事件影响的动态交通信号控制策略. 交通运输工程学报, 19(6): 182-190.

Ÿ   Hao Yu, Zhenning Li, Guohui Zhang, Pan Liu. 2019. A latent class approach for driver injury severity analysis in highway single vehicle crash considering unobserved heterogeneity and temporal influence. Analytic Methods in Accident Research, 24: 100110.

Ÿ   Hao Yu, Xiaofeng Chen, Zhenning Li, Pan Liu,Guohui Zhang, Jinfu Yang, Yin Yang. 2019. Taxi-based Mobility Demand Formulation and Prediction Using Conditional Generative Adversarial Network-Driven Learning Approaches. IEEE transactions on Intelligent Transportation System, 20(10): 3888-3899.

Ÿ   Jie Bao, Hao Yu*, Jiaming Wu. 2019. Short-term FFBS demand prediction with multi-source data in a hybrid deep learning framework. IET Intelligent Transport Systems, 13(9): 1340-1347.

Ÿ   Hao Yu, Rui Ma, Michael H. Zhang. 2018. Optimal traffic signal control under dynamic user equilibrium and link constraints in a general network. Transportation Research Part B: Methodological. 110: 302-325.

Ÿ   Hao Yu, Pan Liu, Rui Ma, Lu Bai. 2018. Performance evaluation of integrated strategy of vehicle route guidance and traffic signal control using traffic simulation. IET Intelligent Transport Systems. 12(7): 696-702.

Ÿ   俞灏, 刘攀, 徐铖铖, 柏璐. 2017. 交通诱导与信号控制协同优化策略仿真. 东南大学学报(自然科学版), 47(5): 1026-1031.

n  奖励及荣誉

Ÿ   2020年,教育部自然科学奖一等奖(4/4),多源数据驱动的道路交通安全分析理论与方法.

Ÿ   2020年,美国交通研究委员会交通安全管理常务委员会最佳青年学者论文奖, Investigate Factors Affecting Driver Injury Severity in Snow-Related Rural Single-Vehicle Crashes.

Ÿ   2018年,海外华人交通协会最佳博士学位论文提名奖,Integration of Traffic Route Guidance and Signal Control Considering Traffic Dynamics.

n  授权专利

Ÿ   俞灏. 基于下游路段承载能力的信号控制优化系统, 专利授权日: 202179, 专利号: ZL2018115114944.

Ÿ   俞灏. 基于交叉口平均饱和度的信号控制优化目标切换系统, 专利授权日: 2021226, 专利号: ZL2018115132270.

n  软件著作权

Ÿ   俞灏, 高艺萍. 乡村事故数据可视化和分析系统, 2022年,登记号: 2022SR0310249.







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