李豪杰,男,东南大学副教授、博士生导师,兼任英国帝国理工学院客座研究员,入选江苏省“双创”人才。主要研究兴趣包括道路交通安全、交通政策影响分析、行人安全行为、公共交通大数据应用等。毕业于英国帝国理工学院,获得博士学位;2013年7月受聘于英国帝国理工学院轨道交通策略研究中心担任助理研究员,其间承担参与了世界地铁协会、劳埃德信托基金、伦敦交通局(TfL)、香港地铁(MTR)等科研项目10余项。主持和参与国家自然科学基金3项、国家重点研发专项3项、中国工程院重大咨询研究项目一项、江苏省自然科学基金1项,发表学术论文40余篇(JCR Q1 20篇),申请国家发明专利10余项,获省部级科技奖项2次。担任交通运输工程学报英文版编委,以及Accident Analysis & Prevention、Transportation Research Part A-F等多个交通领域国际知名期刊和国际会议论文评审专家。
2009年10月–2013年9月,伦敦帝国理工学院,土木与环境工程学系,获博士学位。导师:Daniel Graham教授。
2008年9月–2009年9月,东南大学,31399金沙娱场城,硕士研究生。导师:王炜 教授。
2014年12月–至今 东南大学 31399金沙娱场城 副教授
2018年3月-至今 伦敦帝国理工学院 客座研究员
2011年8月- 2014年11月,伦敦帝国理工学院,助理研究员
(1)国家自然科学基金委员会, 青年科学基金项目, 71701042, 基于开放式小区背景下的路网安全评价与规划方法研究, 主持
(3)国家自然科学基金委员会, 重点项目, 51638004, 基于广义交通枢纽的城市多模式交通网络协同规划理论与方法, 参与
(5)科技部, 国家重点研发计划政府间科技合作项目, 2018YFE0102700, 多源信息环境下道路交通事故应急处理关键技术与设备, 参与
1. Yingheng Zhang, Haojie Li*, Gang Ren, Estimating heterogeneous treatment effects in road safety analysis using generalized random forests, Accident Analysis and Prevention, 165, 2022.
2. Haojie Li*, Haodong Hu, Ziqian Zhang, Gang Ren, Impacts of enforcement cameras on pedestrians' risk perception and drivers' behaviors at non-signalized crosswalks, Journal of Safety Research, 2022.
3. Manman Zhu, Haojie Li*, N.N. Sze, Gang Ren,Exploring the impacts of street layout on the frequency of pedestrian crashes: A micro-level study, Journal of Safety Research, 2022.
4. Yingheng Zhang, Haojie Li*, N.N. Sze, Gang Ren, Propensity score methods for road safety evaluation: Practical suggestions from a simulation study, Accident Analysis and Prevention, 158, 2021.
5. Haojie Li*, Ziqian Zhang, N.N. Sze, Haodong Hu, Hongliang Ding , Safety effects of law enforcement cameras at non-signalized crosswalks: A case study in China, Accident Analysis and Prevention, 156, 2021.
6. Haojie Li*, Yingheng Zhang , Manman Zhu , Gang Ren , Impacts of COVID-19 on the usage of public bicycle share in London, Transportation Research Part A, 150, 2021, 140–155.
7. Haojie Li*, Manman Zhu, Daniel Graham, Yingheng Zhang. Are multiple speed cameras more effective than a single one? Causal analysis of the safety impacts of multiple speed cameras? Accident Analysis and Prevention, 2020, Vol. 139.
8. Haojie Li*,Dongyu Wu, Daniel J. Graham, N. N. Sze. Comparison of exposure in pedestrian crash analyses: A study based on zonal origin-destination survey data, Safety Science, 2020, Vol. 131.
9. Haojie Li*, Yingheng Zhang. A causal analysis of time-varying speed camera safety effects based on the propensity score method. Journal of Safety Research, 2020.
10. Haojie Li*, Manman Zhu. Evaluating the speed camera sites selection criteria in the UK. Journal of Safety Research, 2020.
11. Haojie Li*, Dongyu Wu. Safety impacts of the discrepancies and accesses between adjacent traffic analysis zones, Journal of Transportation Safety & Security, 2020.
12. Haojie Li*, Yingheng Zhang, Effects of dockless bike-sharing systems on the usage of the London Cycle Hire, Transportation Research Part A, 2019, 130, pp. 398-411.
13. Haojie Li*, Hongliang Ding, Effects of the London Cycle Superhighways on the usage of the London Cycle Hire, Transportation Research Part A, 2018, 111, 304-315.
14. Haojie Li*, Daniel J. Graham, Comparison of empirical Bayes and propensity score methods for road safety evaluation: A simulation study, Accident Analysis and Prevention, 2019, 129, 148-155.
15. Haojie Li*,Daniel J. Graham, Pan Liu. Safety effects of the London cycle superhighways on cycle collisions, Accident Analysis and Prevention,2017, 99:90-101.
16. Haojie Li*, Daniel J. Graham. Heterogeneous treatment effects of speed cameras on road safety, Accident Analysis and Prevention,2016, 153-161.
17. Haojie Li*,Daniel J. Graham. Quantifying the causal effects of 20 mph zones on road casualties in London via doubly robust estimation, Accident Analysis and Prevention,2016, 93:65-74.
18. Haojie Li,Daniel J. Graham*,Arnab Majumdar,Effects of changes in road network characteristics on road casualties: An application of full Bayes models using panel data, Safety Science,2015, 283-292.
19. Haojie Li,Daniel J. Graham*,Arnab Majumdar,The impacts of speed cameras on road accidents: An application of propensity score matching methods,Accident Analysis and Prevention,2013, 148-157.
20. Haojie Li,Daniel J. Graham*, Arnab Majumdar,The effects of congestion charging on road traffic casualties: A causal analysis using difference-in-difference estimation,Accident Analysis and Prevention,2012, 366-377.