


Please note two additions to the program this year:

- Students have now the possibility to complete a co-supervised PhD in collaboration between their home research group in China and a host laboratory in France.

- Chinese nationals currently studying in China, but also in France or in one of the 32 partner countries, are eligible for the program.

For the 2017 admission campaign,139 PhD Research Projects are offered by ParisTech “Grandes Ecoles” laboratories in the following Research Fields:

- Biology, Biophysics and Bio Chemistry

- Chemistry, Physical Chemistry and Chemical Engineering

- Economics, Management and Social Sciences

- Energy, Processes

- Environment Science and Technology, Sustainable Development, Geosciences

- Information and Communication Sciences and Technologies

- Life and Health Science and Technology

- Materials Science, Mechanics, Fluids

- Mathematics and their applications

- Physics, Optics

- Design, Industrialization

- Life Science and Engineering for Agriculture, Food and the Environment

- Urban planning, Transport

Candidates can apply either:

- for up to 3 PhD Research Projects listed

- or for an entire Research Field

ParisTech-CSC doctoral program - 2017 calendar and application procedure:


List of PhD Offers:


Application deadline: December 15, 2016

We would be very grateful if you could inform students and colleagues in your University about this unique opportunity.

We are convinced that the development of this doctoral program, especially through co-supervised PhDs, will be an efficient way to initiate and reinforce the scientific cooperation between your University and ParisTech.

Please feel free to contact us with any questions you might have about this program. Your advice and support are very much appreciated.






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